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Report Details

Title:Grain Transportation in the Great Plains Region in a Post-Rationalization Environment, Volume 2: Farm-to-Market Transportation Patterns and Truck Use in the Northern Plains
Authors:Denver Tolliver, Mark Berwick, and Kimberly Vachal
Publication Date:Dec 2005
Report #:DP-167
TRID #:01681528
Keywords:commodity flow, farm vehicles, freight transportation, grain, travel patterns, trucks, wheat
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This study provides information about the types of trucks owned and leased by farmers and how these trucks are utilized. It complements other studies of farm-to-market transportation in the Great Plains region, including a study by Baumel (1996) of grain movements in Iowa. The Baumel study provides detailed information about corn and soybean movements in the Western Corn Belt. This study provides detailed information about another important farm-to-market movement: wheat and barley flows in the Northern Plains. The intent is not to duplicate or update studies recently conducted in the Corn Belt or Central Plains region, but to fill a void by providing detailed information about wheat and barley movements in the Northern Plains.

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