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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Rail Grain Indicators Industry Survey
Authors:Kimberly Vachal
Publication Date:Sep 2005
Report #:DP-168
TRID #:01681531
Keywords:economic indicators, facilities, freight transportation, grain, market assessment, railroad transportation, surveys
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


Railroads are an important transport provider in the U.S. grain market. The purpose of this research is to gain insight into shipper rail grain marketing practices and decisions. A survey of rail grain facilities is used to collect primary information about facility characteristics, marketing practices, and market information sources. Differences in marketing practices and information usage is found among facility groups and by railroad. The knowledge gained is valuable to policymakers and others interested in interpreting current grain market phenomenon and understanding rail grain shippers information needs. In addition, findings may be valuable to industry in the broad overview and benchmark measures offered as a baseline for future investment and marketing decisions.

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