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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Personal Mobility in North Dakota: Trends, Gaps, and Recommended Enhancements
Authors:Jon Mielke, Jim Miller, David Ripplinger, Del Peterson, and Jill Hough
Publication Date:Sep 2005
Report #:DP-165
TRID #:01683779
Keywords:intelligent transportation systems, literature reviews, mobility, needs assessment, policy, public transit, recommendations, transportation modes, transportation planning, trend (statistics)
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


The study is part of a statewide strategic transportation plan adopted in 2002 by the NDDOT to provide a shared vision for North Dakota's transportation system. The plan's goals call for a transportation system that allows optimum personal mobility. One of the initiatives is the development of a statewide personal mobility plan. It takes a comprehensive look at transportation methods, demographics and geography in North Dakota to find ways to improve mobility for the state's residents.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050