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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Load Tests of Large Wood-Concrete Beams
Authors:C. Rogers, Richard M. Gutkowski, and Jeno Balogh
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Dec 2004
Report #:MPC-04-165
Project #:MPC-216, MPC-178
TRID #:00986799
Keywords:beams, bonding, bridge decks, bridge design, composite structures, concrete, creep tests, load tests, wood products
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Research at Colorado State University in wood-concrete layered composites for structural applications has been in progress for more than a decade. Key features of the research are experimental and analytical work to analyze notched shear key interlayer connections. These connections are being used to achieve composite action by transferring interlayer forces by bearing in a notch cut out of one material layer. This report documents a series of experimental load tests on thick-layered wood-concrete composite beams. The research of thick-layered beams is a precursor to possible future research of thick-layered wood-concrete bridge deck systems.

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