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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Evaluating the Effectiveness of QC/QA Programs in Region 8 States
Authors:Khaled Ksaibati and Laycee Kolkman
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:May 2004
Report #:MPC-04-160
Project #:MPC-223
TRID #:00977136
Keywords:aggregate gradation, air voids, analysis of variance, asphalt content, density, disincentives, incentives, quality assurance, quality control, road construction, state departments of transportation
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


The main objective of this research was to quantify the differences and similarities among Quality Control/ Quality Assurance (QC/QA) programs for three state highway agencies. By measuring these differences, conclusions were drawn as to which state was achieving the best results with their QC/QA program. The states considered in this study included Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota.
When designing a QC/QA program, there are numerous factors that must be taken into account. Some of the processes common to at least two of the three states used in this study were, control of aggregate gradation, density, design air voids, and asphalt content. Specifications and processes used for incentive and disincentive pay adjustments differed among the states as did the processes controlled for.
The data for this research was collected, condensed, and filtered for use in a statistical software package. The projects were constructed during the first, second, and third years after the implementation of a pilot QC/QA program. ANOVA was used on the data and the variation between the test and target values for each factor. Conclusions were drawn from the ANOVA.

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