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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Evaluation of the Effectiveness of High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes
Authors:Robert Lambers, Peter T. Martin, Joseph Perrin, and Peng Wu
University:University of Utah
Publication Date:May 2004
Report #:MPC-04-158
Project #:MPC-225
TRID #:00975836
Keywords:automatic data collection systems, before and after studies, carpools, data collection, freeway operations, high occupancy vehicle lanes, improvements, interstate highways, performance, recommendations, traffic violations, travel time, vehicle occupancy
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This paper reports on a two-year study evaluating HOV lane performance. The analysis assesses the freeway operations before the HOV lanes opened with continued assessment throughout the first year of operation. It looks at automatic data from traffic monitoring stations and manual data from roadside and travel time surveys.

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