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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Pier Moment-Rotation of Compact and Non-Compact HPS70W I-Girders
Authors:Bryan A. Hartnagel and An Vihn Tran
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Jun 2003
Report #:MPC-03-148
Project #:MPC-196, MPC-177
TRID #:00964107
Keywords:bridge design, bridges, ductility, finite element method, girders, inelastic stress, laboratory tests, piers (supports), steel, strength of materials, torque
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


A project to study the pier moment-rotation behavior of compact and non-compact high performance steel HPS70W bridge I-girders was conducted at Colorado State University in the context of examining two restrictions for inelastic design of steel bridge girders in the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD bridge code (AASHTO 1998, and interims through 2001). The first restriction is that inelastic design involving the moment-rotation relationship of steel girders with a yield strength exceeding 50 ksi is prohibited. The second restriction is that the AASHTO LRFD inelastic design methods cannot be used on girders that do not meet the compactness requirements stated in the provisions. To determine whether or not these restrictions should be modified, examination of the pier moment-rotation behavior of HPS70W I-shape girders was undertaken through large-scale laboratory testing and finite element simulation.

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