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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Real Time Measures of Effectiveness
Authors:Vikram Klyani, Peter T. Martin, and Joseph Perrin Jr.
University:University of Utah
Publication Date:Jun 2003
Report #:MPC-03-142
Project #:MPC-209
TRID #:00961273
Keywords:advanced traffic management systems, computer algorithms, technology assessment
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Sophisticated microsimulation models, such as MITSIM, INTEGRATION and WATSIM are useful tools to test the potential impact of new ITS technologies, such as route diversion variable message signs, in-vehicle drive alarms, and weather sensitive speed advisory signs. Once implemented, the modeling should be tested with field observations. Rigorous experimental design demands that both pre- and post-data will be available. Frequently, the "pre-data" is overlooked. Subsequent evaluations are weakened. This research aims to identify and determine methods to automatically compute measures of effectiveness when supplied with real time traffic information.

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