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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Potential for Expanding Graduate Transportation Education Options within the North Dakota University System
Authors:Denver Tolliver
University:North Dakota State University
Publication Date:Mar 1996
Report #:MPC-96-55
Project #:MPC-059
TRID #:00722158
Keywords:agricultural economics, air transportation, businesses, civil engineering, curricula, education, graduate study, industrial engineering, interdisciplinary studies, multimodal transportation, public administration, public transit, railroad transportation, transportation engineering, water transportation
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


In 1993, North Dakota State University (NDSU) established graduate transportation options in civil engineering and agricultural economics. Since many aspects of the transportation programs are interdisciplinary in nature, the potential exists for expansion to other departments at NDSU, and for increased coordination within the North Dakota University System (NDUS). In this report, commonalities in the graduate curricula of agricultural economics, business, civil engineering, industrial engineering, and public administration are analyzed. The study finds considerable potential for coordination of the University of North Dakota Masters of Public Administration (UND MPA) and the NDSU Civil Engineering (CE) programs in the delivery of courses and masters degrees to North Dakota Department of Transportation engineers. Moreover, potential exists for civil engineering students to utilize business management and industrial engineering electives in their programs of study. Similarly, students in business administration and industrial engineering could benefit from existing civil engineering and agricultural economics transportation courses.

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