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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Technology Transfer Regional Resource Library Project
Authors:Eugene Wilson
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Sep 1997
Report #:MPC-97-83
Project #:MPC-118
TRID #:00744581
Keywords:cooperation, documents, information services, libraries, natural resources, roads, streets, technology transfer, transportation
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This report highlights a cooperative project between the Mountain-Plains Consortium universities and the Region 8 Technology Transfer Centers. Region 8 consists of six states: Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah. Each of these states has a Transportation Technology Transfer Center at a state university, which perform various functions. They primarily act as a resource for the numerous transportation-related firms and local agencies throughout their respective state. The centers provide workshops that inform and train people on the most up-to-date information, practices, and procedures on different transportation topics. In addition, these centers have libraries that provide free publications, loan references, and loan videos on transportation topics. Each center throughout the region has developed its own library to provide the latest technologies and other road and street technology transfer information to local agencies. The T2 Centers in FHWA Region 8 did not evaluate the effectiveness of the publications that had been incorporated into the free and lending libraries of the centers. This project was to cooperatively develop library resources which are current in state of the art practice. This project evaluated the existing centers' publications and resulted in an opportunity for all regional centers to develop a listing of publications for the latest methods and procedures.

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