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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Peer-to-Peer Desktop Video Conferencing Final Report, Phase II
Authors:Thad Senti, William Grenney, and Newell Crookston
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Feb 1998
Report #:MPC-98-67
Project #:MPC-123
TRID #:00748688
Keywords:administration, conferences, implementation, installation, telecommunications, testing


The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) recently investigated the cost and effectiveness of entry-level video conferencing systems (see MPC Report No. 96-67). The systems were required to run on a Pentium 60 MHz computer with 8 mb of RAM which was connected to the Internet. The Computer Based Intelligent Technology Lab found, in 1996, that Intel Proshare offered the most functionality for the cost. Furthermore, these systems also were capable of ramping up to the next generation of conferencing technologies ranging from new audio codecs, video codecs, and new transmission topologies such as ISDN, which would become available to more of the remote regions in the next two or three years. Therefore, two of the systems were installed, one at UDOT, the other at Utah State University, to test the versatility and usability of the systems of the Wide Area Network (Internet). The success of the first project catalyzed the next phase of the project to install eight more of the systems around the state of Utah and to test their capabilities when used in a larger network. Phase II of the project was aimed at resolving technical issues, installation, and the administration requirements needed to keep such a system in a coherent usable state.

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