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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:North Dakota Wheat Producer Marketing
Authors:Kimberly Vachal, Mike Saewert, and John Bitzan
University:North Dakota State University
Publication Date:Feb 1996
Report #:MPC-96-57
Project #:MPC-074
TRID #:00722178
Keywords:axles, costs, decision making, delivery service, fleet management, logistics, marketing, physical distribution, tractor trailer combinations, trailers, trucks, wheat


A 1995 survey of N.D. producers was conducted to gain insight into the farm-to-market logistical process. In assessing the process, this study was used to examine the factors that affect the marketing decision, the criteria used in the grain marketing decision, the make-up of the farm truck fleet, and the cost for a typical farm truck delivery. Although the elevator in closest proximity to the producer remains an important destination, producers are 24 percent less likely to deliver to the nearest elevator than they would have 15 years ago. Producers reported checking board prices at two and often a third elevator before making their delivery decision. Survey respondents hauled grain an average of 13.3 miles to their preferred elevator. This distance represents a 21 percent increase in length of haul to the preferred elevator, compared to distances reported in a 1980 survey of N.D. producers.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050