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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Design Considerations Economic Impacts of Near-Freezing Soil Temperatures on Soil Compaction
Authors:Michael L. Whelan and Sandy Snider Stahl
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Mar 1997
Report #:MPC-97-72
Project #:MPC-087
TRID #:00737030
Keywords:design, economic impacts, freezing point, soil compaction, soil compaction test, soils, soil tests, temperature, transition point


Soils are an important component of any transportation structure. To improve the engineering properties of these soils, compaction requirements are included in virtually all transportation construction specifications. Field observations indicate however, that soils at near-freezing temperatures may require more compactive effort than soils at higher temperatures. This research project was proposed and conducted to verify the phenomenon's existence, to quantify the resulting economic impact on the cost of soil compaction, and to determine the need for more in-depth research as related to highway design procedures.

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