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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:The National Short Line Railroad Database Project, 1996-1997
Authors:Trent Byberg and Douglas Benson
University:North Dakota State University
Publication Date:Oct 1997
Report #:MPC-97-86
Project #:MPC-126
TRID #:00744553
Keywords:benchmarks, data analysis, databases, data collection, information systems, mathematical analysis, railroad equipment industry, short line railroads, statistical analysis, trend (statistics)
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This project is dedicated toward creating an annual information base on short line and regional railroads. Three years of collection and analysis of this data is complete, with another year in process. In this report, techniques for collecting short line information by mail and electronically are discussed. Also included are an in-depth look at some of the statistical analysis and reporting methods used.

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