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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Regional Elevator Survey: Grain Transportation and Industry Trends for Great Plains Elevators
Authors:Kimberly Vachal and Denver Tolliver
Publication Date:Aug 2001
Report #:DP-143
TRID #:01685411
Keywords:economic analysis, freight transportation, grain elevators, market assessment, regional analysis, rural areas, surveys, trend (statistics)
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


One potential means for gaining insight into the current state of the elevator industry, and into expectations for future trends, is through a survey. The objective of this study is to profile the transportation and industry characteristics of the elevators located in the Great Plains region of the United States. Transportation characteristics consider farm-to-elevator procurement and outbound elevator-to-market movements. In addition, elevator managers were asked to describe their operations and offer opinions regarding importance of issues pertinent to the future of the elevator industry.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050