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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Transportation Databases and Their Use in Transportation and Marketing Analysis
Authors:Denver Tolliver
Publication Date:Dec 1982
Report #:SP-35
TRID #:01832298
Keywords:databases, economics, freight service, market assessment, railroad transportation, trade, trucking, water transportation
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


The development and use of transportation databases is an essential prerequisite to transportation and marketing analysis. In few other disciplines are the databases so scattered and uncoordinated as in the field of transportation. Yet, there are few disciplines which are so data-dependent, particularly given the enormous changes which are occurring in the system and the counter-vailing claims made by industry, government, and the shipping public.

This paper presents an overview of the transportation databases which are available, what they contain, and how they might be used in conjunction with each other to draw a more complete picture of transportation issues and changes. The paper is designed to provide transportation and marketing analysts with a synopsis of data sources, and to illustrate the manner in which these might be used.

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