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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Performance Evaluation of Cement-Treated Roadway Bases
Authors:Melinda M. Bowen and Khaled Ksaibati
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Nov 2000
Report #:MPC-00-115
Project #:MPC-162
TRID #:00807026
Keywords:base course (pavements), cement treated soils, field studies, fly ash, interstate highways, pavement cracking, pavement performance, performance evaluations, primary highways, secondary roads


The objectives of this research were to determine if fly ash has an effect on the field performance of cement-treated bases, determine if cement-treated bases perform similarly to other base types, and develop pavement performance models for interstate and non-interstate roadways in the state of Wyoming.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050