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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Computer Based Highway Reference System
Authors:Prasoon K. Tatttari, Chandrasekhar Swaminathan, Newell Crookston, and William Grenney
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Apr 2000
Report #:MPC-00-110
Project #:MPC-167
TRID #:00793178
Keywords:inventory, manuals, prototypes, state highways
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


The objective of this project is to produce a prototype CD-ROM containing the manual in an electronic format, which can be viewed directly from the CD. Specific objectives include: establish and meet with a technical advisory committee to receive direction and feedback; consolidate data from various sources at UDOT into a conventional nonproprietary database system; provide a computer-based editor for maintaining the database; develop a prototype viewer for displaying the state highways using the UDOT standard GIS route file, and interfacing the database inventory with the route display; and provide UDOT with the prototype CD.

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