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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Virtual C Machine and Integrated Development Environment for ATMS Controllers
Authors:Newell Crookston, Brian Whipple, and William Grenney
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Apr 2000
Report #:MPC-00-109
Project #:MPC-166
TRID #:00793177
Keywords:advanced traffic management systems, electronic controllers, prototypes
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


The overall objective of this project is to develop a prototype virtual machine that fits on current ATMS controllers and provides functionality for complex traffic operations. The virtual machine will be developed and tested using the popular controller: the Matrix Model 2070 ATMS Controller. The controller operates under Microware OS-9 real-time operating system. Development tools are provided by Microware FasTrak tools including a library of C functions, the Makefile Editor, debugger, and Target System Tool.

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