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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Guidelines for Consolidating Township Roads: A Case Study Showing Benefit/Cost Analysis for Closing Township Roads in North Dakota
Authors:Kiel Ova and Jill Hough
University:North Dakota State University
Publication Date:May 1999
Report #:MPC-99-102
Project #:MPC-132
TRID #:00765373
Keywords:benefit cost analysis, budgeting, financing, infrastructure, intermodal transportation, local transportation, network analysis (planning), resource development and utilization, rural highways, towns


The objective of this report is to provide guidance for townships that are considering reducing their road network. A methodology was developed to show a level of township roads that provides adequate service to its users while increasing township resources. The specific objectives in this study are as follows: (1) Select a case study township; (2) Collect relevant data; (3) Analyze the case study network; (4) Propose alternative networks based on traffic level; and (5) Apply benefit/cost analysis to demonstrate best case scenario.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050