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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Public Awareness Tools
Authors:Cynthia Prante and Darren Stokes
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Feb 1999
Report #:MPC-99-100
Project #:MPC-091
TRID #:00760659
Keywords:information dissemination, information technology, internet, public information programs, websites (information retrieval)


An internet web site called the Public Awareness Web (PAW) was developed to provide information to the general public on transportation issues and give answers to frequently asked questions concerning transportation planning processes and challenges. This site is expected to improve UDOT/public relations as well as save UDOT time and expense in answering repeated similar questions. The World Wide Web (WWW) was selected as the means of information dissemination because it is a fast, cost-effective method of providing information to the public. In addition, information delivered through the WWW can be continually updated and obsolete information deleted.

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