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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Development of an Interactive Computer-Based Multimedia Design Manual
Authors:William J. Grenney, Brent C. Robinson, and Thad E. Senti
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Jun 1995
Report #:MPC-95-41
Project #:MPC-055
TRID #:00715417
Keywords:decision making, design, development, evaluation, implementation, information processing, integrated systems, manuals, software, training, user interfaces (computer science)


Manuals of instruction are important engineering tools because they provide the necessary information to perform important design procedures and calculations correctly and accurately. The objective of this project was to develop a computer-based manual of instruction by implementing tools and techniques normally used for the development of rule-based decision support systems. This report is divided into seven sections that explain the computer manual development process, including: 1) glossary of terms; 2) literature review of decision support systems; 3) features section that describes enhancements; 4) development tools section that describes the evaluation and selection of software for implementation of features; 5) authoring process section that describes manual organization and features integration using commercial authoring tools and rule-based decision support system technology; 6) evaluations section; and 7) conclusions section. Water resources/drainage was the subject of this development exercise in computer manual design.

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