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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Travel Patterns of People with Disabilities in Cache County Utah
Authors:Massoud Javid and Prianka Seneviratne
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Dec 1993
Report #:MPC-93-26
TRID #:00669020
Keywords:aged, cluster analysis, data collection, health care, interviewing, needs assessment, persons with disabilities, public transit, surveys, traffic distribution, transportation, travel patterns, trip purpose, utilization


The information needed to plan and operate transit services for people with disabilities is little known to transit agencies and also difficult to obtain. This report is based on a study that was undertaken to determine the travel patterns and transportation needs of people with disabilities, and also to assess the extent to which those needs are met in Cache County, Utah.

Data were collected through telephone interviews with over 1,200 randomly chosen people. The major form of disability among the population was found to be mobility related. It was also found that the majority of the people with disabilities are 65 years or older and the primary purpose of their trips is for medical care. Most people with disabilities have access to either a private vehicle or have their own vehicle. Thus, public transit use was extremely low.

A cluster analysis was performed to determine the spatial distribution of people with disabilities. It was found that the population is clustered around the main (Logan) city in the Cache County, where most of the primary medical and social services are available.

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