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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Bridge Management at the Local Government Level
Authors:Matthew Gralund and Jay Puckett
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Feb 1993
Report #:MPC-92-15
Project #:MPC-018
TRID #:00639877
Keywords:bridge management systems, bridges, computer programs, driver rehabilitation, equipment replacement, guides to the literature, literature reviews, local government, maintenance, management, microcomputers, ratings, rural areas, software, strategic planning


The objective of this project is to provide local transportation officials with the information required to make sound decisions on the management of the bridges within their jurisdiction. Automated procedures were developed to prioritize the required maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement (MR&R) within the district and present this information to the inventory manager. The automated procedure is intended to aid the transportation official in MR&R decisions, but not to be the final solution to every situation. In short, the program provides guidance. This study investigated several existing bridge management programs, and attempted to apply these programs to a bridge management system in a rural western environment.

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