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Report Details

Title:Logistics of the U.S. Wheat Industry
Authors:Jill Hough
Publication Date:Oct 1994
Report #:DP-100
TRID #:01699136
Keywords:freight transportation, history, logistics, market assessment, pricing, trade, transportation modes, wheat
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


The United States has produced an excess supply of wheat for over a century. The excess wheat supply and the development of an extensive transportation network has enhanced the U.S.'s regional and world-wide wheat trade capabilities. Wheat moves through several channels from the time it leaves the farm gate to the time it arrives in the hands of domestic or foreign consumers. The logistics system of wheat encompasses all operations such as storage, transportation, and marketing. These operations impact the availability and prices of wheat in different markets. The objective of this report is to describe the basic workings of this complex wheat logistics system. Special emphasis is placed on the transportation aspect of U.S. wheat logistics.

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