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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:An Analysis of Light-Density Rail Lines in North Dakota
Authors:Denver Tolliver, John Bitzan, Brian Lindamood, and Martha Struthers
Publication Date:Apr 1991
Report #:DP-87
TRID #:01790333
Keywords:branch lines, economic analysis, freight traffic, grain, railroad transportation, tables (data), trend (statistics)
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


The last comprehensive North Dakota rail plan was developed in 1982. Since then, the characteristics and ownership of many of the state's branch lines have changed. The purpose of this study is to develop current information and trend data for North Dakota branch lines, and to discuss some of the issues and problems concerning branch line preservation.

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050