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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Backhaul Opportunities for North Dakota Grain Truckers
Authors:Frank Dooley, Leslie Bertram, and Wesley Wilson
Publication Date:Apr 1989
Report #:DP-69
TRID #:01832268
Keywords:back haul, grain, trucking
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


The overall objective of this report is to assist grain trucking firms manage their backhaul opportunities. The specific objectives of this report are to: 1) identify and define the industry backhaul characteristics of North Dakota grain truckers; 2) determine and describe what methods are being used to obtain backhauls; 3) determine what obstacles prevent firms from obtaining backhauls; and 4) identify the determinants of and estimate the probability for obtaining backhauls from various markets.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050