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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:North Dakota Grain and Oilseed Transportation Statistics, 1978-79
Authors:Gene Griffin
Publication Date:Nov 1979
Report #:DP-35
TRID #:01789155
Keywords:freight transportation, grain, seeds, tables (data), trend (statistics)
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This report represents a continuation of analyses concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grain from North Dakota. The collection and compilation of this type of data began in 1956-57. The objective of this report, like prior reports, is to provide the necessary database for identifying trends in the distribution of grains and oilseeds from North Dakota.

Related Reports

The following reports are listed by publication date in reverse chronological order.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050