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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:A Study of the Feasibility of a North Dakota Regional Traffic Safety Center
Authors:Brenda Lantz, Gene Griffin, Julie Rodriguez, and Matt Titus
Publication Date:Jun 1994
Report #:SP-129
TRID #:01680124
Keywords:feasibility analysis, surveys, traffic safety, training programs
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


A Regional Traffic Safety Center survey was conducted to ascertain the demand for highway safety training in North Dakota. For many organizations, this training has been mandated through government regulations. To comply with these regulations, organizations could provide training to their members either through in-house programs or by sending members to off-site facilities. Many organizations in North Dakota, however, may be too small to justify an in-house training program. As a result, these organizations rely on outside "contractors" or off-site programs to meet their training needs. This may require sending members of an organization out of state for training. Assuming the training function is not internalized by the organization, and off-site training is therefore necessary, it is in the state of North Dakota's interests to actively seek ways to keep this off-site training in-state.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050