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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:The American Short Line Database System: A Technical Report on Phase I Development
Authors:Douglas Benson, Denver Tolliver, Venkatram Krishnan, and Ravi Korlimarla
Publication Date:Jan 1995
Report #:SP-126
TRID #:00738601
Keywords:databases, information management, information systems, reports, short line railroads
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


The objective of the Short Line Railroad Database (SLRD) system is to provide a partial, if not a complete solution. It attempts to set up a framework for establishing and maintaining a standard database for Class II and Class III railroads that would serve as a Personal Computer (PC) data system with features for querying the stored information, and generating summary statistics that reflect the state of this section of the railroad industry. Thus, the reason for developing the SLRD system as a program is threefold. First, no comprehensive database is available today that contains detailed information on the short line railroad industry. Second, the system is expected to function as a separate stand-alone software package independent of any tools required to access the database as is the case with commercially available database packages. Third, by creating a program, user interface design can be tailored for and governed by the nature of the data and the types of facilities that are specific to this application.

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