Research Reports |
Title: | Field Evaluation of Geogrid-Reinforced Pavement Systems on Soft Subgrades |
Authors: | Adam Jones and Evert Lawton |
University: | University of Utah |
Publication Date: | Aug 2024 |
Report #: | MPC-24-539 |
Project #: | MPC-635 |
TRID #: | 01942907 |
Keywords: | geogrids, geosynthetics, load tests, pavement performance, soft soils, subgrade (pavements) |
Type: | Research Report – MPC Publications |
A research section was built within a major highway to compare the performance of different geosynthetic-reinforced pavement systems. The first test section contained no geosynthetic reinforcement. The second section was reinforced with a layer of geogrid. In the third test section, geotextile was placed on the subgrade. In the fourth test, section a second layer of geogrid was placed on top of the geotextile at the subgrade. Each section was instrumented in two locations with moisture sensors, temperature sensors, and strain gages installed on the geosynthetics. Automated cyclic plate load tests were performed using two loading procedures. Static loads were applied using a loaded dump truck. The results of the study were mixed due to variability of the base and subbase thicknesses and densities within the test sections. Permanent deflections and strains in geosynthetics recorded during the plate load tests were small. Due to the inconsistencies in the test sections, analysis of the benefit of the geosynthetics was inconclusive. Significant correlations between predicted CBR values and measured strain in the geosynthetics were discovered. Significant correlations between geosynthetic tensile properties, their depth in the pavement system, and total strain in the geosynthetics were also found.
Jones, Adam, and Evert Lawton. Field Evaluation of Geogrid-Reinforced Pavement Systems on Soft Subgrades, MPC-24-539. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2024.