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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Implementation of Precast Concrete Segments for Electrified Roadway
Authors:Pilaiwan Vaikasi and Marvin Halling
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Oct 2024
Report #:MPC-24-570
Project #:MPC-580
TRID #:01941910
Keywords:bearing capacity, electric vehicle charging, finite element method, load tests, pavement performance, precast concrete pavements, thermal analysis, wireless charging


Maintaining sufficient charge during the duration of travel along with the time required to recharge the vehicle are major concerns for electric vehicle (EV) owners. This project focuses on in-motion, inductive power transfer (IPT) embedded in roadways to ensure charge duration and replace stationary charging units for EVs. This research is a collaboration between civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers from Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification (ASPIRE) at Utah State University.

Using a 3D finite element analysis (FEA) model in ANSYS and load-bearing tests performed in a lab, electrified precast concrete pavement (EPCP) was examined. The EPCP was subjected to two testing loads: 1) thermal load created by the IPT and 2) a cyclic structural load created by a heavy truck. EPCP panel specimens were constructed and embedded with temperature gauges and fiber optic strain gauges to collect data regarding the heat generated by IPT and the durability of the concrete slabs. The results of the FEA models, such as strain and crack patterns on the concrete, were calibrated with experimental data from strain and temperature readings. The models were then updated to develop reasonable mechanical behavior of the entire structure.

How to Cite

Vaikasi, Pilaiwan, and Marvin Halling. Implementation of Precast Concrete Segments for Electrified Roadway, MPC-24-570. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2024.

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