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Report Details

Title:Safe Truck Mobility for North Dakota Winter Roads
Authors:Yun Zhou, Kimberly Vachal, Kelly Bengtson, Del Peterson, Kshitij Sharma, and Andrew Kubas
Publication Date:Sep 2024
Report #:SP-191
TRID #:01940877
Keywords:crash analysis, snowstorms, street closure, truck crashes, trucking safety, winter
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


Photo Source: North Dakota DOTWinter storms significantly increase crash risk and disrupt travel, especially under extreme conditions. Gusty winds, heavy moisture, and low temperatures can quickly make travel dangerous in the Northern Plains. This study was aimed at understanding winter truck crashes, given the prominence of commercial vehicle travel in the region’s economy. Truck mobility was studied in the Safe System context with an investigation into North Dakota’s primary east-west traffic corridor along Interstate 94. Analysis of 594 truck-involved crashes among 2,105 crashes during winter months over a five-year period revealed key crash features and contributing factors. Case study analysis highlighted the sequence and nature of truck-involved crashes during a severe winter storm that involved interstate closure. In addition, a peer state interview exercise gathered insight into winter road management processes, enforcement practices, road closure decisions, education programs, and communication practices. The literature review provided context for winter storm safe mobility challenges and strategies to mitigate crash risk and travel disruptions. Proactive planning, policy, and resource deployment were crucial to minimizing impacts to the traveling public. Strategies aimed at safe truck winter mobility were key to managing road closures and travel recovery. A study limitation focused on one state’s corridor in the winter crash record analysis. The study framework and recommendations may be informative to other states that prioritize commercial vehicle safe mobility during severe winter seasons and dangerous winter storm events.

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How to Cite

Zhou, Yun, Kimberly Vachal, Kelly Bengtson, Del Peterson, Kshitij Sharma, and Andrew Kubas. Safe Truck Mobility for North Dakota Winter Roads, SP-191. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2024.

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