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Title:Fargo Moorhead 2010 Travel Demand Model Update
Authors:Diomo Motuba
Publication Date:Jun 2013
Type:Research Report


The Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) at North Dakota State University is responsible for updating and maintaining the Fargo-Moorhead Metro Council of Governments (FM Metro COG) Travel Demand Model (TDM) since the 2000 base year scenario. The model is updated every five years. The model is developed in Citilabs Cube Voyager software and comprises four steps including trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and trip assignment. The model was calibrated to Base 2010 Conditions and for the first time, used trip rates developed specifically for Fargo / Moorhead. The model results were validated against 2010 base year data including trip length frequency distributions, vehicle miles traveled, screenline counts, trip generation totals, and a modeled versus counted traffic volumes. The model was able to replicate the base year 2010 data within acceptable industrial limits.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050