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Report Details

Title:North Dakota Statewide Traffic Safety Survey, 2024: Traffic Safety Performance Measures for State and Federal Agencies
Authors:Kimberly Vachal, Andrew Kubas, and Jaclyn Andersen
Publication Date:Jul 2024
Report #:DP-327
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


Photo Source: North Dakota DOTThe statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Highway Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities including seat belts, impaired driving, and speeding. In addition to the core issues, questions were included to better understand views on specific programs and attitudes pertinent to North Dakota drivers. Results show that more North Dakota drivers have adopted safe driving practices, but additional efforts are needed to improve safety on the state's roads.

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How to Cite

Vachal, Kimberly, Andrew Kubas, and Jaclyn Andersen. North Dakota Statewide Traffic Safety Survey, 2024: Traffic Safety Performance Measures for State and Federal Agencies, DP-327. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2024.

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