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Title:Pedestrian User Experience at Roundabouts
Authors:Ranjit Godavarthy, Eugene Russell, Kshitij Sharma, Niloy Saha, Antonio Molina, and Kenechukwu Ezekwem
Publication Date:Sep 2022
TRID #:01875089
Keywords:crosswalks, pedestrian movement, pedestrian safety, pedestrian vehicle interface, roundabouts, yielding
Type:Research Report


This study explores the nature and extent of problems related to pedestrian user experience at Minnesota roundabouts. Pedestrian user experience in this study is measured by way of studying driver-yielding rates toward pedestrians at Minnesota roundabout crossings, pedestrian infrastructure design, and pedestrian behavior characteristics at Minnesota roundabout crossing treatments. To gather roundabout candidates for this study, a survey was conducted with Minnesota city and county engineers, as well as with the project Technical Advisory Panel members. Fifteen roundabouts were shortlisted for conducting field observations followed by installing multiple cameras at each roundabout. Eight roundabout locations were shortlisted for conducting case studies and in-depth analysis to study pedestrian user experience. Case study findings have shown that when compared to multi-lane roundabouts, single-lane roundabouts performed well in terms of driver vehicle-yielding rates toward pedestrians. Use of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) at pedestrian crossings has shown better driver-yielding rates while in-roadway signs have shown satisfactory results. Based on the knowledge gathered from previous research by way of literature review combined with Minnesota roundabouts studied in this research effort, a guidance document was developed to help city and county engineers enhance pedestrian user experience at Minnesota roundabouts.

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