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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:The Applicability of Community Impact Analysis to Light-Density Rail Line Analysis in North Dakota
Authors:John Bitzan, Brenda Linstad, Frank Dooley, and Denver Tolliver
Publication Date:Jun 1991
Report #:SP-105
TRID #:01848103
Keywords:benefit cost analysis, branch lines, communities, impact studies
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


This paper examines the desirability, feasibility, and cost of incorporating a detailed community impact assessment process in the existing railroad benefit-cost procedure. In this study, a range of community impact assessment techniques and procedures are reviewed, and their relevance to North Dakota circumstances is assessed. From this review of techniques, a basic set of community impact assessment variables, data sources, and estimated techniques is synthesized.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050