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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Annual North Dakota Elevator Marketing Report, 2020–2021
Authors:Kimberly Vachal and Jaclyn Andersen
Publication Date:Dec 2021
Report #:DP-315
TRID #:01832695
Keywords:commodities, grain, grain elevators, origin and destination, transportation modes, trend (statistics)
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators. This report and the statistics mailed to individual elevators are presented as a source of information for elevator managers and those interested in the North Dakota grain industry. Continuation of the report as an annual project will be considered based on public response.

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How to Cite

Vachal, Kimberly, and Jaclyn Andersen. Annual North Dakota Elevator Marketing Report, 2020–2021, DP-315. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2021.

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