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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Emerging State Rail Issues: Implications for Rail Planning in North Dakota
Authors:John Bitzan and Denver Tolliver
Publication Date:Jul 1990
Report #:SP-101
TRID #:01848107
Keywords:abandonment, policy, purchasing, railroad cars, railroad transportation, transportation planning
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


This study examines some of the most significant new rail issues facing the state of North Dakota, and their ramifications for future rail policy. The study finds that: 1) the state of North Dakota should advocate alternatives to rail abandonment; 2) rail banking should be used when the possibility of future growth is perceived in areas served by abandoned lines; 3) policy encouraging future rail car purchases is needed to prevent future rail car supply problems; and 4) the importance of rail preservation is amplified by the condition of rural roads and bridges.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050