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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:The Estimation of a Grain Handling Margin for Elevators in Barley Producing States
Authors:John Bitzan
Publication Date:Jun 1990
Report #:SP-100
TRID #:01848100
Keywords:freight handling, grain, grain elevators, market share, rates, trade
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


As a part of the Northern Plains Barley Study, this report develops a method for converting past cost estimates into current margins. This is done in order to obtain local cash prices paid to producers from market prices for all major areas of barley production. The objective of the Northern Plains Barley Study is to examine major barley producing regions across the United States and attempt to explain market share differentials and inter-regional trade flow differentials.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050