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Event Proceedings
1st Western Regional Commercial Vehicle Safety Summit

Nov 28-29, 2018 – The Summit brought together state and federal law enforcement personnel, driver licensing agency representatives, and university researchers from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Western Service Center region. The overall goal is to share information regarding partnerships, research projects, innovative processes, and best practices to improve commercial vehicle safety and CDL compliance.

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FMCSA Education, Compliance, and Partnerships for Safety (PDF, 2312K)Keynote Speaker: Cathy Gautreaux, FMCSA Deputy Administrator
An Overview of Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Research and Partnerships in the Pacific Northwest (PDF, 1034K)Sal Hernandez, Assistant Professor, Oregon State University
Colorado's Autonomous Mobility Task Force (PDF, 1472K)Amy Ford, Chief of Advanced Mobility, Colorado DOT
Courts and SDLAs: Working Together for Reporting Convictions (PDF, 1368K)Kathryn Holt, Senior Court Research Analyst, and
Margaret Allen, Director of National Programs,
National Center for State Courts
Decriminalization of Marijuana and its Impact on Traffic Safety – Colorado Perspective (PDF, 830K)Glenn Davis, Highway Safety Manager, Colorado DOT
Decriminalization of Marijuana and Potential Impact on CMV Drivers – Washington Perspective (PDF, 2413K)Darrin Grondel, Director, Washington Traffic Safety Commission
FMCSA Grant Funding Opportunities & Partnering with Universities (PDF, 883K)Tom Keane, FMCSA Director, Office of Safety Programs
Future Trends and Updates on Commercial Driver Licensing (PDF, 3170K)Kevin Lewis, Director, Driver Programs, AAMVA
Identifying the Most Important Factors Associated with Severe CMV Crashes and Improving CMV Crash Reporting and Training of Law Enforcement Officers (PDF, 1253K)Eva Shipp, Research Scientist,
Amber Trueblood, Assistant Research Scientist,
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Improving CMV Safety Through Teen Peer-to-Peer Outreach (PDF, 1147K)Stacey Tisdale, Associate Transportation Researcher
Innovation Through Collaboration: Bringing Autonomous Mobility Technology to Arizona (PDF, 602K)Kevin Biesty, Deputy Director for Policy, Arizona DOT
Integrated Safety Planning: A Statewide Team Approach (PDF, 910K)Anne Collins, FMCSA Associate Administrator, Office of Field Operations
Mobile Commercial Driver's License Testing System (PDF, 605K)Brie Salmons, Operations Manager, Appalachian Transportation Institute, Marshall University Research Corporation
Modernization of the Colorado Motor Vehicle System (PDF, 708K)Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles, Driver Control Section
Montana's Experience with Automated Citation and Ramp Screening Systems (PDF, 1298K)Dennis Hult, Chief, MCS Operations Bureau; and
Russ Christoferson, Major, MCS Enforcement Bureau
The Culture of Driving Impaired: A Partnership Project (PDF, 1028K)Nic Ward, Professor, Montana State University
Tire Anomaly and Classification System (TACS): Experience in Select States (PDF, 1382K)Michael Wieck, International Road Dynamics
Understanding Safety Risks in the Trucking Industry (PDF, 503K)Caroline Boris, Research Analyst, American Transportation Research Institute
University and Law Enforcement Collaboration: Distracted Driving Education and a Tool to Assess for Cognitive Impairment (PDF, 1988K)D.R. "Ike" Iketani, Safety Consultant, California Highway Patrol (Retired), and
Jill Rybar, MPH, Deputy Director,
TREDS (Training, Research and Education for Driving Safety), University of Califor
Update on FMCSA Rulemaking and Programs (PDF, 1099K)Nikki McDavid, FMCSA Division Chief, CDL Division
Wyoming Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program: Development and Assessment of Human-Machine Interface (PDF, 1801K)Mohamed Ahmed, Associate Professor, University of Wyoming
Your CDL Resource: The National District Attorneys Association (PDF, 507K)Jeanine Howard, Staff Attorney, National Traffic Law Center
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