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Event Proceedings
2016 In-Place Recycling & Reclaiming Seminar – Cass County

Aug 9-10, 2016 – The In-Place Recycling & Reclaiming Seminar, and Live Demonstration, is a forum of pavement professionals representing State, Local and Federal Agencies, Contractors, Suppliers, Consultants, Academia, MPO's, all working together to take advantage of the synergy to be gained from sharing information and identifying common issues for further investigation. The seminar will provide a platform for national pavement professionals to present the state-of-the-art technologies that went on to be the building blocks of the Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual (BARM). The seminar addresses the needs of professionals at all levels from Interstate Highways to Commercial and Residential Developments—Design Engineers, Highway Engineers, Consulting Engineers, other Public Works Officials, Contractors, and Material Suppliers, who want to incorporate responsible recycling into their pavement program.

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Barnes County Road 21 (PDF, 434K)Jason Manlove, KLJ Engineering
Bring It All Together (PDF, 3519K)Tom Wood, WSB & Associates
Cold In-Place Recycling (PDF, 1340K)Dan Schellhammer, Midstate Reclamation & Trucking
Cold Planing/Milling Applications & Proper Technique (PDF, 1525K)Kyle Hammon, Roadtec
Full Depth Reclamation / Soil Stabilization (PDF, 2267K)Jonathan Pease, Rock Solid Stabilization & Reclamation
Hot In-Place Recycling (PDF, 5005K)Patrick Faster, Gallagher Asphalt
Intelligent Compaction (PDF, 4131K)David Peterson, CAT
Pavement Preservation: Why and How (PDF, 1992K)Tom Wood, WSB & Associates
NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050