Event Proceedings |
Title | Presenter |
Bridge Preservation & Maintenance (PDF, 9.95 MB) Additional Resources:
| Bryon Fuchs, PE, Northern TTAP and North Dakota LTAP |
GAO 17-423 Report Update: BIA Road Maintenance Report (PDF, 192K) | LeRoy Gishi, Chief, BIA Division of Transportation |
Performance Requirements of 93-638 Road Maintenance Contracts (PDF, 612K) | LeRoy Gishi and Sheldon Kipp, BIA Division of Transportation |
Road/Bridge Maintenance Programs Update (PDF, 297K) | Robert Frazier, BIA Division of Transportation |
Alternatives for Asset Management (PDF, 1560K) | Harry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor, Nez Perce Tribe |
BIA Road Maintenance: Condition Rating of Service Levels Manual (PDF, 4414K) | Robert Frazier, BIA Division of Transportation |
Road Maintenance Funds and Eligibility (RIFDS, 25%, TPA) (PDF, 156K) | Sheldon Kipp, BIA-DOT |
Roadway Foundations (PDF, 46.1 MB) | Bryon Fuchs, PE, North Dakota LTAP; Scott Whaley, PE, Tensar |
Tribal Aggregate Business Development: Why Should I Do It? (PDF, 7445K) | Duane Matt, Solid Minerals Branch Chief / Geologist, BIA Division of Energy and Minerals Development |
Funding Opportunities for Tribal Transportation Projects: Are You Getting All the Grant Money You Can? (PDF, 3478K) | Todd Macalady, Southwestern TTAP; Tonya Huber, PE, KLJ Engineering |
Leadership Styles and High Performance (PDF, 2643K) | Matthew Ulberg, PE, Director, Montana LTAP |
Unit Cost Estimating Discussion, Best Practices Roundtable (PDF, 729K) | Robert Frazier, BIA Division of Transportation |