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Event Proceedings
33rd Local Road Conference

Oct 17-18, 2018 – The Annual Local Road Conference is dedicated to assisting local road departments deal with difficult issues and economic challenges.

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NACE Update (PDF, 1481K)Kevan Stone
"You Show Us" Awards (PDF, 1238K)Noël Clocksin, SDDOT
ABC with Bridge Kits (PDF, 4860K)Jeff Parrett, Wheeler Lumber
Accelerated Bridge Construction (PDF, 2163K)Mike Pardy, Forterra Pipe & Precast
Roundabouts - County Led Solutions (PDF, 338K)Dan Schriock, Burleigh County, ND
Roundabouts - County Led Solutions (PDF, 1840K)Mark Kvas, Bartlett & West
Roundabouts - County Led Solutions (PDF, 924K)Whitney Schroeder, HDR
Innovation & Creativity (PDF, 2786K)Shane Farritor, UNL
Surface Selection Tool (PDF, 615K)Andrew Wrucke, UGPTI
What's This Online Learnin' Thing? (PDF, 719K)Chris Padilla, UGPTI
The GT Spreader (PDF, 793K)Dan Hudson, DT Hudson LLC
Managing Retroreflectivity (PDF, 572K)Cliff Reuer, SDLTAP
Sign Inventory (PDF, 618K)Doug Kinniburgh, SDDOT
Asset Management (PDF, 1241K)Brad Wentz, UGPTI
Dealing with the Public and Elected Officials (PDF, 1276K)Panel Discussion
Cement Stabilization: A County Perspective (PDF, 741K)Panel Discussion
NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050