Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Staff Presentation

Gravel Roads
Sargent County Township Meeting
Dec 2, 2015
Dale Heglund
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The Gravel Roads presentation helps local leaders understand aspects of gravel roads. A review of roadway shape, aggregate gradation, clay binder, roadway problems/solutions provides a solid foundation of knowledge for anyone wanting to understand how to improve gravel roadways. Clay binder is a focal point for the technology transfer. To insure that a quality gravel is purchased, a gravel needs to be specified and tested for gradation and PI. PI, plasticity index, is the engineering property that defines the amount of clay in the fine portion of the gravel material. Clay is the binder that holds gravel rock and fines together, much like cement in concrete. Gravel produced without clay will result in roadway sections that yield excessive dust, wash-boarding and float; items that result in increased life cycle costs and reduced safety levels. Contact NDLTAP if your group can benefit from quality gravel roads. NDLTAP is offering the presentation to local leaders across the state.