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Project Details

Title:State MCSAP Problem Identification and Performance Evaluation Training
Principal Investigators:Gene Griffin, Julie Rodriguez, Brenda Lantz, and Jason Barber


Under the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP), the Office of Motor Carriers (OMC) has been working with the states to develop comprehensive commercial vehicle safety programs. These programs include driver and vehicle inspections, compliance reviews, traffic enforcement, industry education, public outreach, and other commercial vehicle safety activities. As MCSAP approaches reauthorization, state commercial vehicle safety programs will be guided by data analysis and performance-based measures which identify and define problems within each state. The data that will be used for analysis are in the Federal/State motor carrier databases, SafetyNet and MCMIS. It is imperative that the OMC has training services in place to ensure that state commercial vehicle enforcement agencies that manage MCSAP grants have a basic knowledge of data analysis to identify problems and performance-based systems. The product of this understanding will be the performance-based State Enforcement Plan (SEP) which will be developed and implemented by each state. The main objectives of this project are:

  1. To develop educational and training materials that can be used by trainers to train state MCSAP personnel in motor carrier safety problem identification and state program performance evaluation
  2. Conduct train the trainer sessions at an agreed to off-site location
  3. Assist the trainers to conduct workshops at the annual MCSAP Grant Conference (March 1997)

For more information about this project, please email Brenda Lantz (brenda.lantz@ndsu.edu).

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050