Project Details
AbstractThis report addresses the increase in traffic at the intersection of US 2 and ND 8 near Stanley, ND. A request to ATAC to conduct a signal warrant analysis was made due to increased traffic and truck volume causing safety and operational efficiency concerns. The analysis consisted of 3 day (12 hours each day) of traffic volume collection and applying nine warrants from the 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Design (MUTCD). Data was collected by ATAC using the Traffic Data Collection System trailer and was analyzed using Petra software. The traffic data collected combined with crash reports received by NDDOT did not warrant a traffic signal. It was recommended that traffic volume and crash data should be monitored particularly if oil activity grows as projected. Several alternatives were suggested to improve traffic safety and operations including modifying geometry, including a J-turn intersection, and the implementation of an all-way stop control. Keywords: NDDOT, traffic volume, Petra, JAMAR, US 2, ND 8, crash data, Signal Warrant Analysis Final ReportCompleted Report: Download Report (PDF, 688K) |