Title: | New Elementary School Study Phase I |
End Date: | May 2013 |
Status: | Completed |
The purpose of the technical memorandum was to address potential traffic operations and traffic safety issues around the area of a newly proposed elementary school. The school was to be located to the south-east of the intersection of 40th Ave S and 34th St. The project was to determine if adequate mobility was provided by the proposed street network. A 2010 Regional Travel Demand Model was used as a base and compared to the 2015 hybrid models to determine traffic growth and geometric improvements. AM and PM peak hours were obtained from the travel demand models. Critical intersections near the proposed school site were analyzed further using Level of Service (LOS) and Intersection Capacity Utilization evaluation procedures.
Keywords: ArcGIS, Synchro, Grand Forks, East Grand Forks, travel demand model, Discovery Elementary School, mobility
Completed Report: Download Technical Memorandum (PDF, 2311K)