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Project Details

Title:Pembina - Emerson Border Crossing Interim Measures Microsimulation
End Date:December 2013


ATAC was contracted by North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) to evaluate the traffic operations of the proposed interim measures using microsimulation. NDDOT selected two possible alternatives to help alleviate northbound traffic delays near the United States/ Canada border crossing at Pembina – Emerson. A base model (2015) was used to validate results of volume and delays for each alternative. It was determined that the signals designed by NDDOT would not adversely affect traffic operations.

Keywords: NDDOT, microsimulation, Pembina, VISSIM

Final Report

Completed Report: Download Report (PDF, 2930K)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050