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Project Details

Title:Grand Forks / East Grand Forks Travel Demand Model Update
Start Date:May 2005
End Date:March 2007
Keywords:East Grand Forks, Grand Forks, Regional Travel Model


ATAC completed a major update of GF-EGF MPO's Regional Travel Model to account for transportation and socio-economic changes since the previous model update. The update also included an upgrade of the model software from Citilab's Tranplan to TP+, a more powerful modeling software. ATAC also converted all of the model network and other data into a GIS platform allowing a more flexible interface for making changes. The updated model was calibrated to 2005 conditions and has since been used to support long-range transportation plans in the GF-EGF region.

Project Deliverables

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050